Hundreds of thousands of dollars go back to the Scouting program in the Great Rivers Council as a result of the annual Trail's End popcorn sale. Over 73% of all dollars collected during the sale support local Scouting. The popcorn sale is a way for a Scout to support his or her way through the various activities during the year. There are four options to sell popcorn: traditional take order sales, show-and-deliver, sell online to friends and family out of town and show-and-sell. For more information, contact your district popcorn kernel or district executive.
Why Sell?
- Increase your unit and council income – 73% stays in the local area.
- Scouts pay for their way for various Scouting programs and activities.
- Scouts learn life lessons by “earning their own way.”
- There are loads of incentives to motivate Scouts: cool prizes, $600 club, $1,500 club, college scholarship, free summer camp and more.
- Burger's Smokehouse products (cheese & summer sausage) being offered for sale.
- Free popcorn sales kits including sample product.
Tips and Advice to Help Your Sale
Steps to Success
- Sign up your unit to sell
- Attend the Unit Kernel Popcorn Sales Training/Kick-off, August 27, 2016 11am-1pm at Fr. Tolton Catholic High School, 3351 E. Gans Rd, Columbia, Mo.
- Study the successful units in our council and elsewhere, and copy what they do. You can’t expect better results if you don't incorporate new techniques and methods.
- Establish a unit goal and per Scout goal.
- Develop a unit incentive plan, keep it exciting for scouts and family members and encourage 100% participation in your unit.
- Train your Scouts and parents, so you have a fun and safe popcorn sale. Explain how they can earn popcorn prizes and support their activities.
- Use all 4 sales methods Take Order, Show N Sell, Show N Deliver, Online.
- Communicate frequently with scouts and family members.
Key Dates 2016 | |
Saturday, August 27 | Unit Kernel Popcorn Sales Training/Kick-off 11am-1pm at Fr. Tolton Catholic High School, 3315 E. Gans Rd, Columbia |
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September | Unit Kick offs (Pep Rally) for Scouts Host unit kick-off during the last few weeks of the month |
Tuesday, September 19 | Orders Due (Show & Deliver) Online at http://scouting.trails-end.com/TESales/ |
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Saturday, October 1 | Popcorn Distribution Day Appointments required with your District Popcorn Kernel. |
Saturday, October 1 | Sales Begin First official day to start selling product |
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Tuesday, November 15 | Popcorn Returned All product may be returned regardless of partial cases |
Thursday, November 17 | Orders Due for both Popcorn (take order) and Burger’s products Online at http://scouting.trails-end.com/TESales/ and Burger’s website |
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Thursday, December 1 | GRC Incentive Form Due |
Saturday, December 3 | Product Pick-up and 50% Show & Deliver Money Due Appointments required with your District Popcorn Kernel. |
Thursday, December 15 | Popcorn Money Due/Prize Orders Due http://scouting.trails-end.com/TESales/ and http://bsaprizemania.org/ |