Mid Missouri Residents Say Yes to Good Turn
Scouts Bag 81,000+ Pounds of Food-More to Come


Mid Missourians opened their cupboards on Saturday with a show of generosity that bucks the current trend of bad economic news, providing 81,000+ pounds of food for local food pantries and those in need. Samaritan Center in Jefferson City saw a 21% increase in food, Central Missouri Food Bank's total grew 13% thanks in part to significant cash donations, Grand Prairie District food totals grew by 26% and Mark Twain jumped 224% over 2008 collection amounts. See district totals below.

An estimated 2,500 Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts from 180 packs and troop provided the foot power to collect the food from homes across mid Missouri. Through Monday (March 9, 2009) without full reports from all districts, the 81,590 pounds on the books surpasses the 80,394 collected in 2008 by 14%. The major metro areas total collection was at 24%.

"I was hoping to see an increase," said Mike Miller, Director of Marketing for the Great Rivers Council, Boy Scouts of America "due to the gloomy economic news I hear every day." "Many need help right now and this annual good turn project allows Scouts to help those in need in their community," Miller added.

"We are grateful for the support from the community for this project which will help many during the next few months," added Miller. Those who still want to support Scouting for Food may take canned food donations to any C & R Market or Gerbes store through Monday.

Sponsors providing support for Scouting for Food included Moresource, Inc., ABC TV 17, Zimmer Radio, Gerbes and C & R Markets.

Scouting for Food is part of the Boy Scouts' National Good Turn for America initiative which seeks to instill the value of helping others in Scouts and meet community needs, a Scouting tradition since 1912 when the Boy Scouts initiated their first national good turn project promoting a "Safe and Sane Fourth of July".

See photos from the Five Rivers Scouting for Food effort, courtesy of Scouter George Albright.

Do you have some images to share? Contact Mike Miller.

Collection Totals (in pounds) Through Monday, March 09, 2009.
District/City2009 Total2008 Total
Black Diamond
Kirksville, Macon, Brookfield, Marceline
Columbia, Boonville
Chariton Valley
Five Rivers
Jefferson City, California, Linn
Grand Prairie
Mexico, Fulton, Centralia, Vandalia
Osage Trails
Sedalia, Marshall
Report Pending8000
The Lake Area
Report Pending2000
Mark Twain
Hannibal, Palmyra, Monroe City,
Bowling Green, Louisiana
Grand Total81,59080,394

Thank You everyone for your efforts in Scouting for Food!


Great Rivers Council, BSA, 1203 Fay Street, Columbia, Missouri 65201
Phone: (573) 449-2561 or 1-800-SCOUTLAW
Email: bsa-grc@bsamail.org