Tax Free Shopping Every Day The Scout Shop is your official source for Boy Scout uniforms, outdoor gear, uniforms, badges, craft items and more. Charlotte White is the Scout Shop manager and she can help you with any of your supply needs. Charlotte also has the benefit of knowing many leaders in the council. Have a program question? There's a good chance you can find the answer out at the Scout Shop. The Scout Shop is in the Knipp Service Center, located off I-70 near Rangeline Road on the Business Loop in Columbia.
Telephone: (573) 449-2561 ext 204, or (800) SCOUT LAW FAX orders accepted: (573) 874-6846 Email:
As a consumer you are the final judge of our products. If, for any reason, you are dissatisfied with any item purchased from the Boy Scouts of America, you can exchange the items for replacement or receive a full and complete refund.
Great Rivers Council, BSA, 1203 Fay Street, Columbia, Missouri 65201 |