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Mizzou Merit Badge University 2019

Mizzou Merit Badge University 2019
Registration Begins
Last Day To Register
9/15/2019 12:05 AM
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO 65201, US
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The last date for registration has passed.

Welcome to Mizzou Merit Badge Day 2019!! 

We are looking forward to you and your Troop joining us and over 1000 other Scouts and Scouters from across the region on Saturday September 28th, 2019.

We are excited to have once again partnered with the College of Engineering to bring you a day full of great merit badge classes taught by terrific counselors, and will once again be adding new badges for 2019! 

We will be posting ongoing updates, including schedules and other announcements about the event on this page, so please check back often.

Registration for this AMAZING event will opened at 12:01am on Tuesday June 18th 2019.  The cost for the 2019 Merit Badge Day is $22/Scout and includes all program supplies, a souvenir water bottle, event patch and lunch.  Once registration begins, Adults/leaders can also purchase meals for $8 by contacting Drew Wood at the Great Rivers Council office at (573) 449-2561.

New for 2019 is the addition of souvenir tshirts that will be available for pre-order.  Shirts will be $15 each, and any shirts ordered at least THREE WEEKS prior to Merit Badge Day will be distributed at check-in.  We also anticipate have a limited supply of shirts available for purchase during lunch.  Scouts or leaders may also be able to order additional shirts the day of the event (if the desired size isn't available).  Those will have a slightly higher price which will include shipping to the unit.

More great news!  The MU Department of Anthropology has joined the team and will be providing instructors for 7 merit badges including 5 that are new this year! 


The list of Merit Badges we anticipate offering in 2019 is below, and pre-requisite information (where available) is found below the list.  Classes marked with an * are half-day classes. 

*American Business

American Cultures

American Heritage



Automotive Maintenance



Citizenship in the Community

Citizenship in the Nation

Citizenship in the World


Digital Technology

Disabilities Awareness*



Emergency Preparedness 



Fire Safety

First Aid

Fish & Wildlife Management

Game Design




Graphic Arts

Indian Lore




Law Enforcement Trio (Crime Prevention, Fingerprinting & Traffic Safety)



Nuclear Science

Personal Management




Public Health (z)

Public Speaking



Search & Rescue



Veterinary Medicine




While we are still finalizing details for a few classes, we now have the preliminary list of merit badge pre-requisites.  The master list for all badges except Sustainability can be found HERE (version 1 as of 8/14/19).  Pre-requisites for Sustainability are in a separate document found HERE.


Merit Badge University Refund Policy: 

Refund requests must be submitted in writing to david.harris@scouting.org prior to September 27, 2019. If the refund is granted, a 20% readiness fee will be withheld. After September 27, no refunds will be granted, no exceptions - other than for cancellation of a class.  A unit leader, parent, or Scout may only request a refund of the fees under the following conditions:

     1 - Illness or serious accident of the Scout prevents his or her attendance at the Merit Badge University

     2 - A family illness or an emergency prevents the Scout's attendance at the Merit Badge University.

Contact E-mail
$22.00 per Participant
Cancellation Policy
Merit Badge University Refund Policy Refund requests must be submitted in writing to david.harris@scouting.org prior to September 27, 2019. If the refund is granted, a 20% readiness fee will be withheld. After September 27, no refunds will be granted, no exceptions - other than for cancellation of a class. A unit leader, parent, or Scout may only request a refund of the fees under the following conditions: 1 - Illness or serious accident of the Scout prevents his or her attendance at the Merit Badge University 2 - A family illness or an emergency prevents the Scout's attendance at the Merit Badge University.