
12        Roundtable

12        OA Chapter Meeting

17        Merit Badge College

17        Cub Scout Leader Training

17        Boy Scout Leader Training

19        District Committee Meeting



10        Roundtable

17        District Committee Meeting 



10-12     Day Camp, Macon County Fairgrounds

21        District Committee Meeting, Location and time TBA







Congratulations to Ken Stark of Troop 41 in Brookfield as this year’s recipient of the General Pershing District Award of Merit.  Ken has truly given of himself to the youth of Brookfield over the years and the district was delighted to honor him.  Congratulations also to Dr. Jim McDowell for finishing the final stage of his Wood Badge training.  Both Ken and Jim received their honors at the District Recognition Dinner on March 23.


District Pinewood Derby

This year’s District Pinewood Derby will be at the Brookfield Middle School on April 24 beginning at 10 a.m. All Cub Scouts who race their cars in their pack’s pinewood derby are eligible to race again at the district race. We’ll see you there.

Merit Badge College

Registration forms will be available at the February Roundtable and through the Web site. In addition to the merit badges, two Webelos activity badges will also be offered. Don't worry, there's also something for the leaders to do. The following training courses will be offered that day to help you pass the time: The Troop Committee Challenge, Scoutmaster fundamentals, Tiger Cub Den Leader training, Den Leader training, Webelos Den Leader training and Cubmaster training. The trainings for Cub Scout leaders and the Troop Committee Challenge will begin at 9 a.m. and end by noon. Scoutmaster fundamentals will begin at 9 a.m. and end by 3 p.m. All pre-registrations for merit badge, Webelos badge and training sessions must be received by April 3, as noted on the registration form.

Summer Camp Registration

It’s already that time. Your troop or pack can register for camp in 2004 starting in October.  Need a registration form (Wolf, Bear, Webelos and Troop registration form)? Look on the council’s Web site or contact Kelly.

District Chairman          Dr. James McDowell     660-385-1723     jmcdowell@gommu.com

District Commissioner        Leighton Jones        660-258-3311  leighton@firstmissouri.com District Executive              Kelly McMurphy       660-341-9068    kmcmurph@bsamail.org