Boy Scouts of America
Great Rivers Council

 E-Pilot Lite

Fall Fellowship & Induction Weekend Order of the Arrow
September 23-25

KATY Trail Bicycle Trip
September 30-October 2

Fall Family Camp
COPE & Climbing Weekend
October 1 & 2

Boy Scout Camp Reservation Lottery
October 3

Popcorn Show & Deliver orders due
October 10

Popcorn Sale Begins (in most communities)
October 22

Special Sale On Factory Second Shorts & Pants!

For a limited time, the Great Rivers Council is offering a limited number of Cub Scout and Boy Scout pants and shorts at a significantly discounted price!  When they are gone, they are gone!!

These uniform parts are ‘factory seconds’ meaning that there may be some minor defects in them.  They are available ONLY through a special pre-order process.  These parts are NOT available in the Great Rivers Council Scout Shop.

The shorts and pants are being offered at $5.00 each and your purchase will support our Scoutreach programs! The uniform parts must be pre-ordered using the form attached and then must be picked up in the council service center.

Fall Family Camp
Join us at either Camp Hohn or Mark Twain Lake for the Fall Family Camp October 1 & 2. Activities included archery, campfire, vespers, crafts, BB’s, great food and great fun for you and your family. The cost is $40 Scout and Parent, and $20 for each additional family member. The price includes activities, lunch and dinner Saturday night and breakfast Sunday morning. Please register by September 23.

KATY Trail Bicycle Trip
The Scouts will be hosting a KATY Trail Bicycle Trip Ride this fall on September 30-October 2. The Scouts will be able to camp at Katfish Katy’s Campground near Huntsdale and enjoy taking 25 and 50 mile rides on the KATY Trail both east and west of the campground.

Scouts participating in just the 50 milers must have completed the 8th grade and have the endurance to bike an average of 10 miles per hour. Scouts that have not completed 8th grade yet must have already earned the Cycling merit badge and have his Scoutmaster’s approval by signing his registration form. The cost of participation is $30 per person and includes a t-shirt and all meals on Saturday and Sunday breakfast. Sunday lunch is on your own. There are a couple of dining options available in Hartsburg.

Philmont 2012
Four immediate youth positions still remaing for the 2012 Great Rivers Council contingent to Philmont. The contingent to Philmont will leave LaPlata, MO on Friday, July 27, 2012 and return Friday, August 10, 2012. The total contingent fee will not exceed $1,175.00.  Scout participants require parental approval.  Scouts must be 14 years old as of January 1, 2012.  A $100 non-refundable non-transferable deposit per person is required.  Registrations will not be accepted without a participant’s name and parent’s permission.

University of Scouting
A fun-filled day of classes, training, displays and sharing information with other Scouters from throughout the Great Rivers Council. University of Scouting will be held November 5 at Centralia Intermediate School, Centralia.

Among the classes that will be offered are the leader specific courses for Cub and Boy Scout and Venturing adult leaders. Other courses include Managing Unit Finance, Cold Weather Camping, Cub Scout Service Projects, Internet Advancement, Webelos to Scout Transition, and much more. A complete list of training and registration can be located in the Forms section of the Council website. Participant cost is $15.00 per person or $10.00 if received by October 28.