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Why you should come to NYLT
By NYLT SPL & Venturer Katie Raw
I had wanted to go to NYLT since I was eight years old. I have two older brothers who were both in scouts and I always wanted to be a part of the organization. Being a girl I never thought that I would be able to attend NYLT. After eight years of waiting, the council decided to make NYLT a co-ed course and include both Boy Scouts and Ven- turers. So, during summer 2011 my dreams came true as I attended the course.
NYLT has benefited me in so many ways. I have personally applied each of the presenta- tions we give at the course in my life. The leadership techniques are unique tools that are hard to find anywhere else. The skills taught at NYLT have helped me gain jobs and earn promotions. My employer has confidence in me because of my leadership abilities — which were honed at NYLT. Learning the best ways to use my natural gifts has helped me to become a better person and influence others to better themselves.
I think all scouts who have the opportunity to attend NYLT should! Everyone is a leader, whether they want to be or not. There will always be some- one under you that is looking to your guidance for direction. If you can learn how to better lead them and promote yourself from an early age, you will be ahead of most people your age. The skills taught at NYLT are extremely applicable to everyday life. As scouts enter the work force understanding how to set a vision, communicate well, and resolve conflict they will be setting themselves up for success.
This summer another dream is coming to fruition: I will be the senior patrol leader for the NYLT 2016 course. It is an honor to serve in this capacity, and an achievement I will cherish for the rest of my life. The NYLT 2016 staff and I look forward to meeting scouts from throughout Great Rivers Coun- cil and showing them what servant leadership is.
Scoutmaster's Minute:
Kids Don't Come With a User's Manual
By Mr. Lance Robbins, Scoutmaster NYLT 2016
As much as we would like the guidance and direction, our kids do not come to us with a us- er's manual. We try to use our instincts, apply lessons we learned as kids ourselves, obtain direc- tion from other parents, and we seek divine guidance from our spiritual leaders to help us develop our kids into confident and competent people. If you are reading this, somewhere along the line you found that there is a series of manuals designed to help develop citizenship, impart character development, and enhance personal fitness, which are the stated goals of the Boy Scouts of America.
Throughout a Scouting "career," whether as a Boy Scout or a Venture Crew member or Varsity Team member, one of the charac- ter traits we expect our kids to learn is leadership. During their par- ticipation in their troop, crew, or team, we give the kids opportunities to learn leadership skills by leading their peers in activities. We strive to have our units be "youth led" and we thrust the kids into po- sitions to make choices about the direction of the program. Some of the kids will do very well at this, others will struggle since they do not yet know how to lead themselves, never mind have the abil- ity to effectively lead others. This is where leader- ship training can make a lasting difference in the lives of all of the youth in your unit.
The National Youth Leadership Training course is designed to provide youth with leader- ship skills and experiences that they can use in their home units. NYLT will also apply to other sit- uations which demand leadership—whether of themselves and of others. The course is largely taught by other youth, who have already complet- ed the course, with an emphasis on immediate ap- plication of leadership skills learned in a fun envi- ronment. Effective leadership training is missing in many units, NYLT can make a lasting difference not only for course participants, but for the other youth in your unit who will experience the differ- ence effective youth leadership makes. The course material provided to participants serves as a critical manual for them to use as they develop and for their future success.
Top 10 Reasons to Attend NYLT
By NYLT Youth Mentor & Eagle Scout Lawrence Cobb
10. You'll eat well (ice cream, Dutch oven cooking, etc.).
9. You'll play games (Ultimate Frisbee, team games).
8. You'll learn how to lead yourself.
7. You'll design water rockets.
6. You'll learn how to lead others.
s. You'll enjoy campfires.
4. You'll learn about servant leadership.
3. You'll meet new friends.
2. You'll learn leadership concepts that can guide you for life.
1. Because I invited you.
So, what are you waiting for? Sign up for National Youth Leadership Training! This summer, NYLT is Monday, August 1 through Saturday, August 6, 2016. Registration forms are on the council website