Eagle Scout Application Guidelines Once you have earned the Life Scout rank and are ready to begin your Eagle Scout leadership service project, the workbook will help you plan and record your progress and complete and submit a final report. - Read this entire web page
- Read a message from the Chief Scout Executive to Life Scouts
- Read a message from the Scout executive to Life Scouts
- Secure your letters of recommendation
- Learn about the Twelve Steps from Life to Eagle
- Review the requirements for leadership service projects
- Download the Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook (only opens in Internet Explorer)
- Download the Eagle Scout Application
- Consider joining the National Eagle Scout Association
- Consider joining the Great Rivers Council Eagle Scout Association
Eagle Scout Application Guidelines and Procedures Before a Scout appears before the district Eagle Scout board of review for his final time, his completed application, project planning and completion report forms, and advancement forms are submitted to the Great Rivers Council Service Center for approval. To ensure that the application is correct, a waiting period may be necessary. Scouting's highest progress award, that of Eagle Scout, is a significant honor that only a few attain. We must be certain that each of us will maintain the high standards of the Eagle Scout rank, with all the requirements met. The following instructions should serve as Great Rivers Council specific guidelines to the 12 Steps from Life to Eagle found in the back cover of your Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook. - Upon elevation to Life rank, Scouts should request an Eagle packet from the Great Rivers Council Service Center or district advancement chairman. It shall be the responsibility of the unit leader to review the packet with the Scout.
- It will be the Scout's responsibility to choose an Eagle Scout project with the concurrence of his unit leader and the approval of the unit committee. An acceptable project must:
- Be planned in writing using the Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook. It is available online and through the district advancement chairman. The workbook must be included with the Scout's write-up. It can have references to other pages if you want to use the Internet workbook. The information must be clear and concise with detail that whoever reads it can tell what is going to be done. It must state that the Scout will plan, direct, and give leadership to others. He should refrain from using 'I' too much. He should not make the project sound as though he is doing it by himself.
- This must be a project that will benefit a school, community, or religious group other than the Boy Scouts of America. It must demonstrate the Scouts ability to plan, budget time and money, direct, and give leadership to others.
- Use drawings, photographs, and any other supporting documentation necessary to clearly define the project including, but not limited to:
- Number of people to be used
- Estimated time to do the project and date you wish to start the project.
- Materials needed to do the project-give the estimate of the cost and where you got the estimate. Materials lists need to have at least one estimate of the cost from local vendors even if all the materials are to be donated.
- Tools needed to do the project (always include a first aid kit and state only adults will use any power tools needed for the project.)
- A tentative deadline for project completion must be included.
- A letter or letters for any permission or approvals for use
- Written approval from the institution or organization must be attached to the workbook if the individuals signature is not present on page six of the workbook.
- Once the Scout has completed page five of the workbook, he must present the project for approval through the following channels-gaining approval at each level.
- To the religious institution, school, or community representative
- To the Unit leader-you must have his/her signature.
- To the troop committee-corrections will be made at this level before proceeding
- The troop advancement chairman, or in their absence the unit leader, will assist the Scout in presenting the paper work to the district Eagle Scout board of review chairman or his designee. It is recommended that the Scout personally appear before the Eagle Board of Review or its representative to attain approval of his project. Rare cases may require the Scout to mail, or courier his project to the board for approval. This will delay the approval process.
- The District Eagle Scout board of review will review the project and return it to the Scout with approval signature or rejection. If it is rejected, the reason, along with suggestions of what might be done to bring the project to a satisfactory level, will be attached to the workbook. A rejected project will be returned to the Scout, for the necessary corrections. When it is corrected, the Scout will take it to the Eagle Scout board of review for approval.
- If, or when, approved, the project may begin. He may not begin his project until the district Eagle Scout board of review approves it.
- Do Your Project!
- The Scout may ask for donations from local businesses but only for the cost of supplies.
- The Scout should record the time it takes to write the project, secure donations, make changes or corrections and all time spent preparing the project for approval.
- Extra pages may be added to the workbook, but each section should begin in the book and then have indicator(s) as to where to find the continuation (Ex: Appendix A, B, etc., Refer to page 7, 8, etc, or refer to tab A, B, etc.). The Scout may use a table of contents to reference where everything can be found.
- Keep notes
- Take pictures of his project if at all possible.
- Upon finishing, the Scout will sign page eight and secure the signature of his unit leader and the representative of the organization. A letter of completion is necessary only if the signature is not present in the workbook.
- When all merit badges and the project are completed, then he completes the Eagle Application form with the assistance of his unit leader.
- Carefully record month/date/year on all rank advancements and merit badges, along with the troop number where he earned the merit badge.
- Check to be sure the dates are correct.
- Get references. State the full address of each person-street, city, state, zip code, area code and phone number.
- The begin date for requirement four must be after the Life Scout board of review date. (Leadership positions are six months of leadership: example of dates correct January 1, 2000 to July 1, 2000 not January 1, 2000 to June 30, 2000)
- Be sure to do requirement six life purpose and listing any positions held, honors and awards.
- Make sure all signatures are filled out and dates are completed.
- Upon completion of the Eagle Scout Service Project and all other requirements for the rank of Eagle Scout, the Scout will be required to submit the completed Eagle Scout Award Application with supporting documentation including the Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook to the Eagle Scout Service at the Great Rivers Council Service Center. Supporting documentation consists of letters of recommendation collected by the troop advancement chairman (requirement two), ambitions and life purpose (requirement six), list of leadership positions and experiences in life (i.e. church, school, and community)(requirement #6), and a listing of honors and awards received (requirement #6) to the Eagle Scout Service at the Great Rivers Council Service Center.
- Under no circumstances will the District Eagle Scout board of review be conducted prior to step six.
- The completed packet, contents from paragraph six, is then reviewed by the Eagle Scout Service. Upon acceptance approval for the district Eagle Scout board of review is granted and the complete packet is returned to the unit leader of record, who contacts either the District Advancement Chair or Eagle Board Chair to schedule a Board of Review.
- Upon successful completion of the district Eagle Scout board of review the board of review chairman returns signed and dated Eagle Scout application to the Eagle Scout Service at the Great Rivers Council Service Center. The signature must be that of the Eagle Scout Board of Review Chairman. It is the responsibility of the troop to maintain supporting documents until the Eagle Scout application is approved by the Eagle Scout Service of the Boy Scouts of America.
- Upon receipt of the board of review approved Eagle Scout application the Eagle Scout Service will review and sign as Great Rivers Council representative. The application is that forwarded to the Great Rivers Council Scout executive for certification, approval, and date.
- The above application is submitted to the National Eagle Scout Service Center for final review and approval.
- The application and documentation should be completed prior to the Scouts 18th birthday.