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Telephone (573) 449-2561 f& FAX (573) 874-6846 f&  HYPERLINK "http://www.bsa-grc.org" www.bsa-grc.org  From: Mike Miller (writer) For Immediate Release (573) 449-2561 x202 (contact information) (date) June 22, 2007 Housing Boom Hits Fulton (main header) 53 New Homes Spring Up (second header) In just over 200 hours 53 new homes were built and set up in Fulton, but there are no for sale signs on these homes because they are for the birds, literally. The new neighborhood of birdhouses along the Stinson Creek trail is a labor of love for Eagle Scout candidate Douglas Webster, who finished the project with the help of his fellow Scouts earlier this month. Mr. Caswell, Director of Fulton Parks and Recreation approved the project and made sure the new homes were properly constructed and mounted in areas conducive to the birds along the trail. Webster joined troop 53 in 2000 and has enjoyed many campouts and leadership experiences with the group, which is chartered to First Presbyterian Church in Fulton. The 53 birdhouses were built as an homage to his troop. Eagle Scout projects challenge a young man to create and manage a service project to help community organizations. The home schooled seventeen year old is an aspiring writer, member of Callaway Kids Bank Investment Club, First Degree Black Belt in Taekwondo and a volunteer with the Red Cross and Callaway Public Library. # # # (end of article marks) TIP. Make sure your news release answers the who, what, where, when and why that make the story important. Include a contact name as well so a reporter may contact you for more information. News releases may be hand delivered (most effective), sent through the mail, FAXED or emailed. Find out the preferred method of your media outlet and use it. CUB SCOUT NEWS RELEASE TEMPLATES Blue and Gold Dinner Cub Scouts Host International Dinner Cub Scout Pack 14, chartered to (organization) will hold its 15th Annual Blue and Gold Dinner on March 15 at 6 p.m. at the American Legion Hall in (town). The theme for the dinner is International Flavors, with each Cub Scout den providing food from the country of their choice. The menu includes food from China, India, Germany and America. Roberto Carlos, owner of the Brave Bull restaurant, will give a special talk on his country of origin, Brazil. In addition to presentation by Carlos, adult leaders from Pack 14 will be recognized for their service to the Cub Scouts during the past year. Former Cub Scouts and leaders of Pack 14 are invited to attend the dinner. RSVP to Patty Morgan at 555-1212. # # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Arrow of Light Recipients Scouts Honored with Arrow of Light Award Four Webelos Scouts, Brian Croft, Tom Flanders, Jason Murphy and Deon Summers, from Cub Scout Pack 14, chartered to (organization) in (city) were honored on January 15 with the presentation of the Arrow of Light Award, the highest award a Cub Scout can earn. The program took place at (location) and honored the Webelos Scouts for their hard work and determination. Boy Scouts from Troop 18 will took part in the ceremony, which was modeled after a Native American Indian theme. After the ceremony the Arrow of Light recipients joined Boy Scout Troop 18 to begin their new Scouting adventure. # # # -------------------------------------------------------- Join Cub Scouting Event Cub Scouts Host Open House Cub Scout Pack 14, chartered to (organization) in (city) is hosting an open house for new Cub Scouts and leaders August 23 at 7 p.m. at (location). Boys from first through fifth grade and their parents are invited to the open house. At the meeting visitors will have a chance to join Pack 14 and begin their quest to build the worlds fasted Pinewood Derby car, learn about nature and earn special recognitions and awards. Cub Scouting means "doing." Everything in Cub Scouting is designed to have the boys doing things, with fun activities used to achieve the aims of Scoutingcitizenship training, character development, and personal fitness. For more information contact Cubmaster Julie Armstrong at 555-1212. # # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Announce Derby Winners (Pinewood, Space, Regatta) New Pinewood Derby Race Winners Announced The fasted boys in (city) are Jimmy Carlson, Dustin Murphy and Stanton Thomas, who won their age division races in the Pack 14 Pinewood (Space or Regatta) Derby race held March 17 at (location). Carlson, Murphy and Thomas each raced in five heats and never lost. All three Cub Scouts were first time winners of the Pinewood Derby race and were all smiles. Special awards were presented to Dalron Miller for Best Paint Job, Justin Scott for Most Creative design and Ted Hurst for Judges Pick. Bud Dillion, owner of Dillions Auto Shop served as Racemaster for the Pinewood Derby and sponsored the awards. # # # NEW LEADERS AND BOYS ANNOUNCEMENT FATHER SON CAKE BAKE POPCORN SALE SCOUTING FOR FOOD ---------------------------------------------------- BOY SCOUT NEWS RELEASE TEMPLATES After Camp Announcement Boy Scouts Earn 30+ Merit Badges at Lake of the Ozarks Camp Scouts from (city)s Troop 14 spent July 12-18 at Hohn Scout Reservation at Lake of the Ozarks and earned 32 merit badges and honors as the Most Spirited troop at the camp. Scoutmaster Ken Darby and assistant Scoutmaster Anthony Jones took 12 Scouts to the camp and were thrilled at the outcome. Scouts earned badges for swimming, basketry, rifle shooting, fishing, wood carving, canoeing and metalwork and two Scouts, Aaron Todd and John Davis, were inducted into the Sons of the Daniel Boone honor program. DuringHJ     $ , a b c e ] ^ k ` b ǹtiaVjh[#.Ujh[#.Uh?TUzAI178q$a$gd-&=>?TUzI+jnw178q89O, !!½ʬʏ|xxxh-h-hFj6hFj hFjhFjhIihFjhFj6 hFj5hFjhFj5hh$8vh <h <6 h$8v6 h <5h <h <5h <h2 h2 H*h <h2 6h <h2 5h2 h-5CJaJh-h-5CJaJ/q9:NO-.rx | !/!$a$gd-!/!0!H!!!"#888o9::: : : : ::::::::::: :!:':(:):*:+:,:.:/:h0JmHnHuh h0Jjh0JUhkO jhkO U hFjh-h-h-h5CJaJUh\whh;h\wh\w5h5CJaJh-5CJaJ&/!0!H!!""##88,929o9p999999999::: : : :gd\wgd$a$gd- the Thursday night parents and family campfire two Scouts from the troop, Terry Minor and Brad Cogswell were recognized for their work to refurbish the deck at the shooting range which was badly worn and needed major repairs. Troop 14 meets Monday nights at 7 p.m. at the (location and address). # # # ------------------------------------------------------------ Court of Honor Going to camp New Eagle Scouts Service project Eagle Service project Recruitment night Popcorn sale Scouting for Food Camporee success     PAGE  PAGE 2 ::::::::: :+:,:-:.:/:h]hgd &`#$gdkO ,1h/ =!"#$% DyK www.bsa-grc.orgyK 0http://www.bsa-grc.org/@@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No List6U@6 [#. Hyperlink >*B*ph4 @4 Footer  !.)@.  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