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Others could provide a variety of other unit-service and program-support functions such as: assisting with leader training; providing instruction assistance to our Program staff; or providing assistance for any off-site excursions. Camp commissioners must be experienced Scouters with the ability to physically endure a week of walking at the camp. Volunteer Camp Commissioner Corps members will attend camp at no charge. These positions are limited and will be filled by application on a first-come first served basis. Individuals selected for this program will be expected to attend a Commissioner Corps orientation to be held in April at the CCC Meeting. To serve as a Volunteer Camp Commissioner, YOU MUST: Be a currently paid registered Scouter over the age of twenty-one. Commit to serving as volunteer camp staff for one or more complete sessions of camp. Abide by the Principles of the BSA, Regulations established by the BSA Be approved by the Council Commissioner, Reservation Director and Camp Director. Hold current Youth Protection Training. Attend Commissioner Corps orientation. If you are interested in volunteering, please complete, sign and submit the following application. Thank you. PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE NameAddressCity, State, ZIPDate of BirthEmail addressPhone (home)Phone (work)Phone (cell)Best time to callCurrent BSA Registration & UnitDate of YPTShirt Size Session Preference (check all that apply): Scouts BSA Session I (June 7-13, 2020) _______ Scouts BSA Session II (June 14-20, 2020) _______ Cub Scout Session I (June 23- 27, 2020) _______ Cub Scout Session II (June 28-July 2, 2020) _______ Scouts BSA Session III (July 5-11, 2020) _______ Scouts BSA Session IV (July 12-18, 2020) _______ Cub Scout Session III (July 18-22, 2020)_______ I am aware of the influence my personal conduct has by example on youth. I therefore agree to conduct my personal activities in accordance with good scouting tradition and to follow all regulations established by the council for the use of its facilities. I understand that alcoholic beverages, non-prescribed drugs, gambling and personal firearms are not allowed on council property. Immediate removal from council property and the Volunteer Commissioner Corps will result from breaking this regulation. 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