ࡱ> 1307 bjbjUU ,7|7| l Y   $G g         ) 0Y  Boy Scouts of America Great Rivers Council Eagle Palm Application Check Sheet Name ________________________________ Unit _____ Number_____ District _____ City __________________________ ****************************************************************************************************** Initial Review - Date ___ / ___ / ___ 01. ___ Date received top left 06. ___ Requirements completed prior 10. ___ Unit Board Chairperson corner to eighteenth birthday signature 02. ___ Name legible / complete 07. ___ Three months elapsed since 11. ___ Scout Executives signature address Eagle or last earned palm 12. ___ Pull appropriate certificate 03. ___ Date of birth ___/___/___ 08. ___ Verify merit badge records - and palm * 04. ___ Unit number, location and unit file, Eagle application and 13. ___ Attach number twelve items expiration date current previous palms to paperwork and route on 05. ___ Scout is registered 09. ___ Unit leader signature to processing ****************************************************************************************************** Processing Eagle Palm Date ___/___/___ 01. ___ Type the appropriate 04. ___ Eagle Log Book posted Year 07. ___ Post the local council information on the earned on the appropriate record section of the Eagle certificate District(s) page Palm Application 02. ___ Three photocopies of Eagle 05. ___ Charge unit accounts for the 08. ___ Attach Eagle Palm Palm application Palm * awarded application to the back of 03. ___ Post Advancement Summary 06. Charge unit accounts postage the Eagle application Report book if mailed 09. ___ File application(s) in the Eagle history drawer ****************************************************************************************************** * After the twenty one earned merit badges (M/Bs) for Eagle, each additional five merit badges (M/Bs) are as follows: First Bronze Palm = 05 M/Bs Third Bronze Palm = 35 M/Bs Fifth Bronze Palm = 65 M/Bs First Gold Palm = 10 M/Bs Third Gold Palm = 40 M/Bs Fifth Gold Palm = 70 M/Bs First Silver Palm = 15 M/Bs Third Silver Palm = 45 M/Bs Fifth Silver Palm = 75 M/Bs Second Bronze Palm = 20 M/Bs Fourth Bronze Palm = 50 M/Bs Sixth Bronze Palm = 80 M/Bs Second Gold Palm = 25 M/Bs Fourth Gold Palm = 55 M/Bs Sixth Gold Palm = 85 M/Bs Second Silver Palm = 30 M/Bs Fourth Silver Palm = 60 M/Bs Sixth Silver Palm = 90 M/Bs Only a certificate is issued for the second set of palms. All other sets of palms, a certificate and a palm are issued. Scouts are to wear the following combinations of palms as they are earned. 05 M/Bs - Bronze 35 M/Bs - 2 Bronze, 1 Gold, 1 Silver 65 M/Bs - 4 Bronze, 3 Gold, 1 Silver 10 M/Bs - Gold 40 M/Bs - 1 Bronze, 2 Gold, 1 Silver 70 M/Bs - 3 Bronze, 4 Gold, 1 Silver 15 M/Bs - Silver 45 M/Bs - 1 Bronze, 1 Gold, 2 Silver 75 M/Bs - 1 Bronze, 1 Gold, 4 Silver 20 M/Bs - 1 Bronze, 1 Silver 50 M/Bs - 3 Bronze, 2 Gold, 1 Silver 80 M/Bs - 5 Bronze, 1 Gold, 3 Silver 25 M/Bs - 1 Gold, 1 Silver 55 M/Bs - 2 Bronze, 3 Gold, 1 Silver 85 M/Bs - 1 Bronze, 5 Gold, 2 Silver 30 M/Bs - 1 Bronze,1Gold, 1 Silver 60 M/Bs - 1 Bronze, 1 Gold, 3 Silver 90 M/Bs - 1 Bronze, 1 Gold, 5 Silver Revision C October 20, 1998 <=ijfg^ _ CJ56OJQJ+NOP<=>2akfg\ C $a$C  ? @ ! z 5 6 UV~$a$$a$/ =!"#8$8% i0@0 Normal_HmH sH tH <A@< Default Paragraph Font , z +NOP<=>2akfg\C?@ !z5 6 U V   ~  @@@@C  James E. Brooks?C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\AutoRecovery save of Eagle Palm Application.asdJames E. BrooksA:\Eagle Palm Application.docJames E. Brooks?C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\AutoRecovery save of Eagle Palm Application.asdJames E. Brooks?C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\AutoRecovery save of Eagle Palm Application.asdJames E. Brooks?C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\AutoRecovery save of Eagle Palm Application.asdJames E. Brooks?C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\AutoRecovery save of Eagle Palm Application.asdJames E. Brooks?C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\AutoRecovery save of Eagle Palm Application.asdJames E. BrooksA:\Eagle Palm Application.docJames E. BrooksA:\Eagle Palm Application.doc Scott BurowcC:\Documents and Settings\Scott Burow\My Documents\GRCWeb6\forms\advance\Eagle Palm Application.doc @|B `@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial7Marlett"h%@ !~0 2*Boy Scouts of America Great Rivers CouncilJames E. Brooks Scott BurowOh+'0 $0 L X d p|+Boy Scouts of America Great Rivers Councildoy James E. Brooksame Normal.doto Scott Burow2otMicrosoft Word 9.0c@@(4@>@>@ ՜.+,0( hp  University of Missouri  +Boy Scouts of America Great Rivers Council Title !"#$%&')*+,-./2Root Entry F+41TableWordDocument,SummaryInformation( DocumentSummaryInformation8(CompObjjObjectPool++  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q