Nampa-Tsi Lodge
NOAC 2009 Registration


National Order of the Arrow Conference, more commonly known as NOAC, excites Arrowmen across the country. Why you ask? Just ask anyone in our lodge who has been to one, and they will probably say it is among the greatest scouting experiences they have ever had.

Imagine for a moment, you and eight thousand of your closest friends, descending on a major college campus for 6 days of brotherhood and fellowship, training and recreation, competition and friendship making. That is what a NOAC is all about.

From August 1st through 6th 2009, you will experience training, sports competitions, arena shows, gatherings, ceremony competitions, dance competitions, college dorming with your best friend, great food, the Founders Day Fair and Parade, patch trading, tons of lodge spirit, among many other great and amazing things.

Want to Join the NAMPA-TSI lodge in attending NOAC?

Please fill out a registration form and
submit a $25.00 non-refundable deposit to secure your slot NOW!

The cost for this event will be no more that $450.00


Great Rivers Council, BSA, 1203 Fay Street, Columbia, Missouri 65201
Phone: (573) 449-2561 or 1-800-SCOUTLAW