Scouts take part in religious retreat

Great weather added to the learning atmosphere Boy Scout units experienced during the Diocese of Jefferson City’s Religious Retreat Sept. 13-15 at St. Patrick Parish. 

“You couldn’t ask for any better weather for the retreat,” Ron Eggen, the retreat chairman, said of the clear skies with highs in the 70s and lows in the upper 40s. “It was just perfect.”

Scout units from across the diocese camped for two nights on the grounds of St. Patrick, which contains the National Shrine of Mary, Mother of the Church and the Shrine of St.  Patrick.

The retreat curriculum, put together by Program Director Pat Devine, covered the Eucharist, Penance/Reconciliation, Confirmation and the Baptism chapters of the Boy Scouts’ Ad Altare Dei religious program. The retreat also provided Webelos, who are older Cub Scouts, and Girl Scouts the opportunity to work on their religious emblems.

Scout and their adult leaders started the weekend Friday night with a Benediction service in the church.

Units held a flag ceremony and celebrated Mass Saturday morning before starting the program presentations. Scouts closed out Saturday by celebrating Mass with the St. Patrick’s congregation, going through the Stations of the Cross, which are posted around a driveway on the grounds, and a campfire.

Scouts had the opportunity to attend Sunday-morning Mass with the St. Patrick congregation before returning home.

“I think the program provided the scouts with the opportunity to learn more about their Catholic faith,” Eggen said. “Committee members worked very hard to make this a worth-while experience for the scouts.”

The Knight of Columbus Council 10381 worked the cafeteria, prepared all three meals Saturday and breakfast Sunday morning for the scouts. The Knights also did the dishes and the cafeteria cleanup.

“We are so grateful to the Knights and to Father Pat (Dolan),” Eggen said. “They invited us to have the retreat at St. Patrick and they went all out to make the weekend so convenient for the scouts. Not having to cook or cleanup provided more time for the scouts to concentrate on the retreat. We really can’t thank the Knights enough.”

The 2014 retreat is scheduled for Sept. 19, 20 and 21 at St. Patrick in Laurie.