I Registered Online, Now What?
Welcome to Scouting! You should have received an email from our Chief Scout Executive, Mike Surbaugh welcoming you to the Scouting program along with one from your Cub Scout Pack, Scouts BSA Troop, or Venturing Crew (we call them units) as long as they created one. Worst case scenario you just get the one from the Chief. Rest assured that someone from the unit that you joined will be reaching out to you soon to make initial contact because they had to go in and approve your registration (they are prompted to approve online registrations twice a week; on Tuesday and Friday).
If more than a week or so goes by and you are not contacted please contact David Harris for additional help.
So what now? A few things you can do before you start meeting with your unit.
1. Go ahead and make contact with your unit leader, their contact info is in the email from the Chief.
2. Head to the Scout Shop to pick up your uniform and handbook. You can go to 1203 Fay St. in Columbia or purchase your items online at www.scoutstuff.org. These will be important moving forward. It is not necessary to have a uniform on day one, but it is a vital component of Scouting. The handbook is needed to track your Scout's journey throughout the program.
3. Go back to the My.Scouting account that you created when you registered and complete Youth Protection Training, it should take about 30 minutes. Even if you don't become a registered leader, it is important for all of our families to know what our Youth Protection guidelines, are and how we maintain safe environments for Scouting.
4. Head to Facebook and like our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/BSAGRC/
5. Consider helping in your unit in some way. There are countless ways to get involved. Your unit leader can discuss options with you. Remember, you and your Scout are on this journey together. The other adults that you will interact with in your unit are all parents of Scouts, or they had Scouts in the program at one time or another, or they just love being a leader. Scouting is a volunteer run organization. The experience that your Scout gets will directly be impacted by your willingness to be involved in that journey.
6. Look around our website and www.scouting.org to learn more about what your Scouting journey will look like.
Again, welcome to our Scouting family and enjoy the journey!