Cub Scout Leader Training Award Requirements


These award requirements were effective September 1, 2000. If you have been working on the older award requirements, you have a choice. You may switch to the new requirements, or continue with the older set until complete.

Cubmaster Award

Downloadable Progress Record


  • Complete 'The New Cubmaster' Fast Start training.
  • Complete basic training for Cubmasters.
  • Complete Youth Protection Training.
  • During each year of tenure for this award, participate in a Cub Scout leader Pow Wow or University of Scouting, or attend at least four Roundtables.


Serve as a registered assistant Cubmaster for one year and a Cubmaster for one year, or serve as a registered Cubmaster for two years.


  • As a Cubmaster or assistant Cubmaster in a pack, earn the National Quality Unit Award of least twice.
  • Earn the National Summertime Pack Award at least once.

Cub Scout Den Leader Award

Downloadable Progress Record


  • Complete 'The New Den Leader' Fast Start training.
  • Complete basic training for Cub Scout den leaders.
  • Complete Youth Protection Training.
  • During your tenure for this award, participate in a Cub Scout leader Pow Wow or University of Scouting, or attend at least four Roundtables.


Complete one year as a registered Cub Scout den leader.


Do five of the following:
  • During at least one program year, have a minimum of 50 percent of the Cub Scouts in your den earn the rank for their grade or age (Wolf or Bear).
  • At least once, reregister a minimum of 75 percent of the eligible members of your den as a part of pack rechartering.
  • Graduate a minimum of 60 percent of the eligible members of your den into Webelos Scouting.
  • Have an assistant den leader who meets regularly with your den.
  • Have a den chief who meets regularly with your den.
  • Take leadership in planning and conducting a den service project.
  • Conduct at least three den meetings per month, nine months per year, or follow an optional meeting plan approved by the pack.
  • Participate with your den in a Cub Scout day camp or Cub Scout resident camp experience.
  • Explore three "character connection" activities with your den members in one year.
  • Hold regular den meeting and den activity planning sessions with your assistant den leader.

Webelos Den Leader Award

Downloadable Progress Record


  • Complete 'The New Webelos Den Leader Fast Start training.
  • Complete basic training for Webelos den leaders.
  • Complete Youth Protection Training.
  • Complete outdoor training for Webelos leaders.
  • During your tenure for this award, participate in a Cub Scout leader Pow Wow or University of Scouting, or attend at least four Roundtables.


Complete one year as a registered Webelos den leader


Do seven of the following:
  • During one program year, have a minimum of 50 percent of the Webelos Scouts in your den advance in rank (Webelos badge or Arrow of Light Award).
  • At least once, reregister a minimum of 75 percent of the eligible members of your den as a part of pack rechartering.
  • Graduate a minimum of 60 percent of the eligible members of your Webelos den into Boy Scouting.
  • Have an assistant Webelos den leader who meets regularly with your Webelos den.
  • Have a Webelos den chief who meets regularly with your den.
  • Take leadership in planning and conducting two Webelos overnight campouts or other outdoor den activities.
  • Assist in planning and conducting a Webelos den/Boy Scout troop joint activity.
  • Take leadership in planning and conducting a Webelos den service project.
  • Conduct at least three Webelos den meetings per month, nine months per year, or follow an optional meeting plan approved by the pack.
  • Participate with your den in a Webelos day camp or resident camp experience.
  • Explore three "character connection" activities with your den members in one year.
  • Hold regular den meeting and den activity planning sessions with your assistant den leader.

Cub Scouter Award

Downloadable Progress Record


  • Complete Fast Start training, if available for your position.
  • Complete basic training for any Cub Scouting position.
  • Complete Youth Protection Training.
  • During each year of tenure for this award, participate in a Cub Scout leader Pow Wow or University of Scouting, or attend at least four Roundtables.


Complete two years as a registered adult leader in Cub Scouting in a pack.


Do five of the following:
  • Assist in planning a pack program that results in advancement in rank by a minimum of 50 percent of pack members each year.
  • Serve as an adult leader related to a pack that earns the National Quality Unit Award.
  • Serve as leader of a blue and gold dinner, pinewood derby, space derby, raingutter regatta, field day, picnic, or other Cub Scout activity.
  • Give leadership to a promotional effort that results in at least 60 percent of pack members subscribing to Boys' Life magazine.
  • Develop or update a Tiger Cub or Cub Scout den activity book listing places to go, things to do, costs, distances, etc., locally for the five Tiger Cub areas, or at least 12 Cub Scout themes.
  • Give leadership to planning and conducting a pack service project.
  • Organize participation of a pack in the Cub Scout Academics and Sports program.
  • Help with two annual unit Friends of Scouting campaigns.
  • Serve as a leader for members of your pack attending a Cub Scout day camp or resident camp.
  • Serve one year as a pack trainer during which 75 percent of registered pack and den leaders complete basic training for their positions.

Tiger Cub Den Leader Award

Downloadable Progress Record


  • Complete "The New Tiger Cub Den Leader" Fast Start training.
  • Complete basic training for Tiger Cub den leaders.
  • Complete Youth Protection Training.
  • During your tenure for this award, participate in a Cub Scout leader Pow Wow or University of Scouting, or attend at least four Roundtables.


Complete one year as a registered Tiger Cub coach (or den leader).


Do all of the following:

  • Conduct a Tiger Cub roundup for your pack with at least five new Tiger Cub boy/adult teams recruited.
  • Contact the host team each month and provide support as needed for one year,
  • Coordinate Tiger Cub den participation in three Cub Scout pack activities.
  • Graduate a Tiger Cub den into Cub Scouting with at least 60 percent of the Tiger Cubs becoming Cub Scouts.

Pack Trainer Award

Downloadable Progress Record


  • Complete Fast Start training for the pack committee.
  • Complete New Leader Essentials and be familiar with and able to explain the key elements of Leader Specific Training for all volunteer positions in the pack.
  • Complete Youth Protection Training.
  • Participate in a Trainer Development Conference.


Complete two years as a registered Pack Trainer (tenure can only include that met on or after September 2006; this tenure cannot be met retroactively).


Do all of the following:

  • Participate in a Cub Scout leader Pow Wow (TFC Training Academy) during each year of tenure for this award.
  • Have Cub Scout Roundtable staff certify your attendance for at least 30 percent of the Roundtables during each year of tenure for this award.
  • Attain 100 percent trained leadership for the pack committee chairman, Cubmaster, and all Den Leaders.
  • Have a working plan in place for delivering Fast Start training to new leaders within 48 hours of joining your pack.
  • Have a working plan in place for helping leaders who have not taken basic training to attend New Leader Essentials and Leader Specific training for their positions.
  • Keep and update training records of all leaders in your pack.
  • During the pack annual program planning meeting, be available to answer questions about training courses.
  • Review ongoing pack leadership training status and provide leaders with updates on any available supplemental training.


Great Rivers Council, BSA, 1203 Fay Street, Columbia, Missouri 65201
Phone: (573) 449-2561 or 1-800-SCOUTLAW