Boy Scout Leader Training Award Requirements
Boy Scout Leader's Training Award
This knot may be worn with a pin to indicate the program area in which
it was earned. (The pin is much smaller than shown.) |
Progress Record
Complete Boy Scout
Leader Fast Start training.
Complete Basic
Leader Training for your position.
Boy Scout leaders completing basic training before September 1, 2001, may
count the old Scoutmaster Fundamentals course as basic training.
Leaders completing training after that date must take New Leader Essentials
and the further training required for their position. Scoutmasters
and Assistant Scoutmasters need Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training
and Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills, and Troop Committee members
must have the Troop Committee Challenge .
a total of two years as a registered adult Boy Scout leader.
five of the following:
Participate in
a support role for five overnight campouts.
Help with two annual
unit and/or district Friends of Scouting enrollments.
Serve on the staff
of a council or district training event.
Participate in
a supplemental training course at either the local council or national
Participate actively
in three troop parents' nights or courts of honor.
Help supervise
and support a troop money-earning project.
Serve as a merit
badge counselor for at least five Scouts.
Successfully complete
Boy Scout Leader Wood Badge.
Successfully fulfill
requirements of a troop committee function as described in the Troop Committee
Assist actively
in a Webelos den for six months.
Participate in
six Boy Scout Roundtables.
Help organize or
reorganize a Scout troop.
Scoutmaster's Key Requirements
This knot may be worn with a pin to indicate the program area in which
it was earned. (The pin is much smaller than shown.) |
Progress Record
Complete Boy Scout
Leader Fast Start.
New Leader Essentials
& Assistant Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training.
to Outdoor Leader Skills.
If you completed basic training before September 1, 2001, the earlier Scoutmastership
Fundamentals course is equivalent to these three courses. If you wish,
you may use the old progress record .
Participate in
one supplemental training course at either a local council or national
Participate in
at least six Boy Scout leader Roundtables a year.
Conduct Troop Junior
Leader Training at least three times, as outlined in the Scoutmaster's
Junior Leader Training Kit.
Participate as
an adult in junior leader training by either serving on the staff or attending
the Scoutmaster orientation session of the council junior leader training
Earn the Boy Scout
Leader's Training Award.
three years of registered tenure as a Scoutmaster within a five-year period
(can include the tenure used to earn the Scouter's Award).
least twice during the three-year period serve as a Scoutmaster of a troop
that earns the National Quality Unit Award.