Requirements: Venturing Adult Awards
Note: These knots may be worn with a pin to indicate the program area in which it was earned.
(The pin is much smaller than shown.)

Venturing Advisor's Key Award

Downloadable Progress Record


1.  Complete Venturing Fast Start.
2.  Complete New Leader Essentials
3.  Complete Venturing Leader Specific Training
Note: The older version of Venturing Leader Basic Training, replaced in September 2001, is the equivalent of the last two courses.
4.  Conduct crew officers' seminars for your crew.
5.  Conduct at least one Venturing Leadership Skills Course for your crew.
Complete three years of registered tenure as an Advisor within a five-year period.
1.  At least twice during these three years, serve as the Advisor of a crew earning the National Quality Unit Award.
2.  Have a crew open house each year.
3.  Attend at least four roundtable meetings each year.

Advisor's Training Award

Downloadable Progress Record

1.  Complete Venturing Fast Start.
2.  Complete New Leader Essentials
3.  Complete Venturing Leader Specific Training
Note: The older version of Venturing Leader Basic Training, replaced in September 2001, is the equivalent of the last two courses.
Complete two years' tenure registered in any adult capacity in the Venturing program.
Do any seven of the following:
1.  Attend at least six venturing roundtables or Teen Leaders' Council meetings.
2.  Participate in a crew officers' seminar.
3.  Help with two council, district, or crew Friends of Scouting campaigns.
4.  Participate in two parents' night programs.
5.  Participate in a crew open house.
6.  Serve in a support role for five crew weekend activities.
7.  Serve on the staff of a Venturing training event.
8.  Assist with a crew leadership skills course.
9.  Serve as a Bronze, Gold, Silver, or Ranger consultant.
10.  Help organize or reorganize a Venturing crew.
11.  Help support a crew money-earning project.

Advisor's Award of Merit

Do any seven of the following:
1.  Be a currently registered Venturing Advisor who has served in that position for at least 18 months.
2.  Complete Venturing Fast Start and Venturing Leader Specific Training.
3.  Achieve the Quality Unit Award at least once while serving as crew Advisor.
4.  Demonstrate the use of the Venturing Silver Award program.
5.  Develop youth leadership by effective use of crew officers.
6.  Use the crew officer orientation and program planning process.
7.  Have a proven positive relationship with the chartered organization and associated Boy Scout troop and Cub Scout pack, if any.
8.  Project a positive image of Venturing in the community.
9.  Attract and hold Venturers with crew program and operation.
10.  Lead crew in completion of the Venturing Leadership Skills Course.

Additional information on these awards can be found in the respective literature.



Great Rivers Council, BSA, 1203 Fay Street, Columbia, Missouri 65201
Phone: (573) 449-2561 or 1-800-SCOUTLAW