Endowment Fund
The Endowment Committee of the Council is charged with the task of ensuring the financial future of Scouting by seeking funds that will grow to provide resources for Scouting well into the future.
To find out more about the many giving opportunities available through Scouting, as well as our other planned giving resources, seminars, consultation, or endowment recognition programs, please contact: Doug Callahan or John Fabsits at the council office. To download the major gifts awards application click here.
Heritage Society
The Heritage Society recognizes contributors to the Great Rivers Council Endowment Fund. The objective of The Heritage Society is to
encourage individuals who believe in Scouting to invest in its future by making an outright or deferred gift, thereby becoming members with appropriate recognition and privileges.
To become a member, an individual must donate $1,000.00 (James E. West Fellowship Award) or more, in the form of an outright gift (cash, securities, or real estate) to the Endowment Fund. An individual may also become a member by notifying the council of any deferred gift commitment (bequests, gift annuity, gift of life insurance, charitable remainder trusts) to the Endowment Fund.
Members of The Heritage Society are recognized by a personalized certificate, a lapel pin.
James E West Fellowship Award
Membership in the West Fellowship is available for gifts of $1,000 or more in cash, stocks, or bonds to a council endowment fund. The
gift should be in addition to, and not replace or diminish, the donor’s annual Friends of Scouting support.
Many individuals and corporations make these gifts on behalf of someone else, such as to honor an Eagle Scout, a Scouter retirement, special accomplishment or anniversary, or in memory of another. Additional elevated levels of West Fellowship recognition for gifts over the $1,000 minimum are available. If an institution is truly “the lengthened shadow of one man,” it is fitting that the BSA honor James E. West’s significant contributions to Scouting as its first Chief Scout Executive.
The award is named after the first Chief Scout Executive of the Boy Scouts of America who exemplified Ralph Waldo Emerson's observation that "an institution is the lengthened shadow of one man". Today, Scouting is the "lengthened shadow" of the more than three decades of the farseeing and dedicated leadership of Dr. James E. West.
There are four levels of recognition with the James E. West Fellowship:
- Bronze - $1,000+
- Silver - $5,000+
- Gold - $10,000+
- Diamond - $15,000+
James E. West Fellows
Second Century Society
Membership in the Second Century Society is available to donors who give $25,000 or more payable over five years, or a deferred gift of $100,000 or more, to a local council, BSA Foundation, high-adventure base, or any BSA entity for operating, capital, or endowment.
Donors making outright gifts of $100,000 or more are designated as “Members with Distinction.” Donors making deferred gifts of $500,000 or more are designated as “Legacy Members.” Members in these categories receive special recognition and opportunities provided by the BSA Foundation.
There are four levels of recognition within The Second Century Society:
- Member - $25,000 minimum gift.
- Member with Distinction - $100,000 minimum gift.
- Legacy Member- $500,000 minimum gift.
- Legacy Member & Presidents Leadership Council - $1,000,000 minimum gift
The Founders Circle
Gifts to or through the BSA Foundation of $1,000,000 or more payable over five years, as part of an advised fund, designated fund, trust, or other Foundation fund structure. Gifts may be designated to benefit local councils, high-adventure facilities, or other BSA entities.
Unlike the other recognition awards, a donor may qualify for membership with gifts made through:
- Charitable trusts, such as unitrusts, annuity trusts, and lead trusts
- Advised or Designated Fund
- Other Foundation fund structures
There are three levels of membership within the Presidents Leadership Council. They are:
- $1,000,000 +
- $5,000,000 +
- $10,000,000 +
To find out more about the many giving opportunities available through Scouting, as well as our other planned giving resources, seminars, consultation, or endowment recognition programs, please contact: Doug Callahan or John Fabsits at the council office.