Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
1 + |
2 +
Scouting For Food Committee Meeting | Mark Twain Key 3 |
3 + |
4 +
Leader Specific Trainings (GP) |
5 + |
6 +
Professional Staff Meeting |
7 + |
8 +
DATE CHANGE Friends of Scouting Orientation |
9 + |
10 +
Modern Firearms Deer Season - Camps Closed |
11 +
Modern Firearms Deer Season - Camps Closed | Order of the Arrow Lodge Executive Committee Meeti | Popcorn Distribution |
12 +
Modern Firearms Deer Season - Camps Closed |
13 +
Professional Staff Meeting | Roundtable (GP) |
14 + |
15 + |
16 +
Roundtable (OT) | District Committee Meeting (MT) |
17 + |
18 + |
19 + |
20 + |
21 + |
22 +
District Committee (FR) | Professional Staff Meeting |
23 +
Key 3/District Committee (KH) |
24 + |
25 + |
26 + |
27 + |
28 + |
29 + |
30 + |
31 + |