Great Rivers Council, Boy Scouts of America
June 2003, Monday
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Aug/Sept Pilot Due Date
Location: Knipp Service Center

Professional Staff Meeting
Location: Camp Thunderbird

Webelos Camp
The Great Rivers Council Camping Committee is looking for help as we begin the planning process for our 2003 Cub Scout Resident Camping season.  In our efforts to better improve our program we need your support and ideas throughout the process as well as individuals who would be willing to spend some time at Camp Thunderbird this upcoming summer serving on staff.
The following is a list of the new dates for Cub Scout Resident Camp for the summer of 2003:
May 17                   Staff Training Session
June 26 - June 28    Staff Training Session 2
June 29 - July 3  Webelos Scout Camp Session 1
July 5 - July 6   Wolf Camp
July 6 - July 10  Webelos Scout Camp Session 2
July 11 - July 13      Bear Camp
July 19 - July 20       Wolf Camp at Camp Hohn
Cub Scout Resident Camp Fees
Camp Location Fee Camper
Wolf Camp Thunderbird $45 $15
Wolf Camp Hohn $45 $15
Bear Camp Thunderbird $70 $10
Webelos Camp Thunderbird $110 $20 

As many of you have noticed, there are now two sessions of Webelos Scout Camp being offered.  Each session will be identical in regards to the programs offered.  Within each Webelos Scout session, two distinct program trails will be available. The first trail will be geared toward those boys in their first year of the Webelos Scout program, the second trail will have programs geared toward the second year Webelos Scout.  Both first and second year Webelos Scouts will now attend camp for five days and four nights, but will have age appropriate programming available to them during the same session of camp.
The addition of a second session of Webelos Scout Camp and a Cub Scout Resident Camp planning committee address the two issues most commonly found in the camp evaluation forms, an overcrowded camp and a lack in the program planning.  The Camping Committee of the Great Rivers Council thanks you in advance for helping us plan the best Cub Scout Camping possible for the summer of 2003.

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To SUBMIT Dates FOR This Calendar, Contact: David A Nolle