Get your pack, den, troop, crew or post and families together for one exciting and wet, fun filled day at:
Scout Day at Big Surf Waterpark at the Lake of the Ozarks!
Join us for a FUN weekend of camping and water play!
Spend the day at Big Surf Waterpark at the Lake of the Ozarks and then come camp at the Lake of the Ozarks Scout Reservation for a night of family camp fun! Big Surf reservations need to be made using the reservation information on the attached form and camping reservations can be made using this form. Camping will include a dinner at 7:00pm on Saturday night, a campfire on Saturday night, and breakfast on Sunday morning followed by a short chapel service in Parkwood Chapel at the Lake of the Ozarks Scout Reservation. All tents are provided for this weekend. Bring the whole family for a fun day at Big Surf and a fun night of camping!
Saturday, June 2, 2018 (Rain day is June 3)
Big Surf Tickets are $16.85 per person (a 50% discount off regular priced tickets)
All guests will also receive a wristband for 10% off all food and beverage purchases in the park that day!
This year, all orders will be placed using an online reservation system through Big Surf! Simple to do and the best parts are that leaders can simply share this information with the families in your unit so they can make their own reservations or you can place one total unit order; you can print your park tickets right from your order so no waiting on Scout Day to collect your tickets; and you can order your tickets right up until Saturday, June 2 – even from your phone in the Big Surf parking lot!
Order process:
Go to and click purchase tickets
Select the “All Day Surfer” Option only
Enter the number of tickets you wish to purchase
Enter the Discount Code: GRC2018 (this code is case sensitive)
Pay using your debit card or major credit card
Select the “Print Tickets” Option
Go to the park and have a Blast!
Simple as that!
To reserve your campsite. Click Here.
Contact or for questions or for assistance! See you at Big Surf on Saturday, June 2, 2018!