October 8, 2016
University of Missouri | Columbia, Mo.
Hosted by the MU SChool of Law and the Great Rivers Council, BSA at the University of Missouri-Columbia
Greetings! The Great Rivers Council is excited to partner with the MU School of Law to bring you a number of merit badges this year. Classes will be taught by faculty from the University of Missouri, along with a number of community volunteers.
Schedule of Events:
- 9:00 a.m.- Opening Ceremonies
- 10:00 a.m.- Classes begin
- 1:00 p.m.- Morning half day classes end
- 1:30 p.m.- Afternoon half day classes begin
- 4:30 p.m.- Classes end
$20.00 if registered by the early-bird deadline of August 26, 2016. This includes a bag lunch, event patch, merit badge cards, commemorative water bottle and materials needed for the course. After August 26, registrations will be considered late and be accessed an additional $10 late fee. Adults may purchase a lunch for $8 by sending an email to Missy.Gerardy@icloud.com and submitting payment, cash or check, to the Great Rivers Council, 1203 Fay Street, Columbia, MO 65201. NO registrations will be accepted after September 16, 2016, including the day of the event.
All registration for merit badge classes will occur online at www.bsa-grc.org. By clicking on the name of a particular course, Scouts will be able to see prerequisites for that course, if they are required. If there are none, that will be noted as well. Scouts must complete all prerequisites prior to arriving the day of the event if they wish to earn the merit badge that day.
What to Bring:
All Scouts are required to be in their Field Uniform during the entirety of the event and must conduct themselves by the Scout Oath and Law at all times. Please bring your completed prerequisite requirements (if applicable), the Merit Badge Workbook, pencil/paper and any additional supplies for your merit badge. **Scouts taking half-day courses must take a morning AND an afternoon half-day class ** Note: * indicates a half-day class (once confirned).
Preliminary Merit Badges being offered are:
American Business*
Automotive Maintenance CLOSED
Chemistry CLOSED
Citizenship in the Community
Citizenship in the Nation CLOSED
Citizenship in the World CLOSED
Communications CLOSED
Crime Prevention Trio CLOSED
Digital Technology
Disabilities Awareness*
Emergency Preparedness CLOSED
First Aid
Fish & Wildlife
Game Design CLOSED
Geology* CLOSED
Mining in Society
Nuclear Science
Personal Management CLOSED
Programming CLOSED
Robotics CLOSED
Search & Rescue
Signs, Signals and Codes
Sustainability CLOSED
Vet Medicine
Venturing Advancement Workshop