Troop 17 Linn Merit Badge University
Saturday, July 30, 2016
On the Campus of State Technical College of Missouri in Linn, MO
SCHEDULE: Troop Check-in: 8:00 a.m.; Opening Ceremony: 8:30 a.m.; Classes Begin: 9:00 a.m. Classes End: 3:30 p.m.
COST: $15 if registered by the early-bird deadline of July 8, 2016. This includes scout lunch, event patch, merit badge blue cards, and materials needed for the class. After July 8, 2016, all registrations will be considered late and be accessed an additional $5 late fee. Leaders and Parents may pre-purchase a lunch online for $7 at the same time as you register the scouts. NO registrations will be accepted after July 15, 2016, including the day of the event.
REGISTRATION: Registration for all merit badge classes will occur online at
CAMPING AVAILABLE: Linn Lions Club Fairgrounds, located across Highway 50 from State Technical College of Missouri if you want to camp on Friday and/or Saturday night at no charge, with water and restroom facilities available. Let us know if you plan to camp and which nights so we know who is camping and we can be sure everything is unlocked. Please be considerate of other troops when camping and follow the principles of Leave No Trace.
WHAT TO BRING: All Scouts are expected to bring merit badge booklet and workbook, pencil, paper, any supplemental resources to aide them in completing the merit badge to class and any completed prerequisite requirements. Booklets and workbooks will not be provided. Workbooks are available at www.meritbadge.or/wiki/index.php/merit_badge_worksheets.
PREREQUISITES: Scouts who are enrolled in merit badges with prerequisites must complete these requirements prior to arriving the day of the event. If a Scout has not completed the prerequisites, he will not complete the merit badge and will receive a partial which will require follow up with a counselor after the event. Please see pages 2-3 for a complete listing of all merit badge prerequisites.
DRESS CODE: All Scouts are required to be in their Field (Class A) Uniform during the entirety of the event unless otherwise stated in the prerequisites and must conduct themselves by the Scout Oath and Law at all times.
MERIT BADGE BLUE CARDS: We will provide blue cards for the scouts. If you want to bring your blue cards (some troops will use white cards), already filled out you may do so and then you can use the blue cards we provide troops that day at another time.
MERIT BADGE CLASSES: We are excited to partner with State Technical College of Missouri and a number of community volunteers again this year to bring you the following merit badge classes. The classes will be limited in size and filled on a first come, first serve basis. Eagle required classes are shown in bold letters.
NOTE: *Indicates a half-day class. Scouts taking half-day courses must take a morning AND an afternoon half-day class.
**Indicates three classes in one. It is taken as one collective group and each merit badge will be tied together and all three earned that day.
American Business*(a.m. & p.m.) |
Entrepeneurship |
Animal Science |
Fire Safety |
Archery |
First Aid |
Astronomy |
Fish and Wildlife Management |
Automotive Maintenance |
Genealogy |
Aviation |
Home Repairs |
Chess |
Law |
Citizenship in the Community |
Metalwork |
Citizenship in the Nation |
Music |
Citizenship in the World |
Nuclear Science |
Communication |
Painting |
Cooking |
Personal Fitness *(a.m.) |
Crime Prevention/Fingerprinting/Traffic Safety** |
Personal Management |
Dentistry *(a.m. & p.m.) |
Photography |
Digital Technology |
Programming |
Dog Care |
Robotics |
Drafting |
Search and Rescue |
Electricity |
Stamp Collecting *(p.m.) |
Electronics |
Sustainability |
Emergency Preparedness |
Wilderness Survival |
Engineering |
Questions concerning the Linn Merit Badge University may be directed to: Debbie Backes: or 573-680-0033
Merit Badge Prerequisites
Scouts enrolled in the following merit badges must complete the prerequisites before the day of the event and bring proof of completion to the class (i.e. the actual work which was completed or prerequisites completed in the actual workbook and brought with them).
American Business: Requirements 2a, 3a & 3b; 5a & 5b must be completed prior to class. Optional: Bring a map of your area.
Animal Science: Class will visit a farm; need 2-3 adult drivers to transport Scouts to and from farm.
Archery: None.
Astronomy: Bring your current, up-to-date Cyber Chip to class; Requirements 4a,b,c; 5d; 6b; 8a 1,2,3,4; b, c, d, e (do any ONE)
Automotive Maintenance: Must be 15 years old or older. Requirement 11A; bring workbook to fill out legibly in class; need 3 adult leaders to help out.
Aviation: Must have signed Guide to Safe Scouting Activity "Consent And Approval by Parents or Legal Guardian" in order to fly on the day of the event; please e-mail signed copy to; need 2 adult leaders to help out.
Chess: None.
Citizenship in the Community: Requirements 3a & 3b; 4a & 4b; 7a, 7b, & 7c; 8 (develop a public presentation (video, slide show, speech, digital presentation or photo exhibit) about important and unique aspects of your community and bring to class). Scouts will watch a movie in class for Requirement 5.
Citizenship in the Nation: 1st Class Rank; Requirements 2a, 2b, 2c or 2d (do two); 3 (watch news or read newspaper), 8 (send & bring copy); need 1-2 adult leaders to help out.
Citizenship in the World: 1st Class Rank.
Communication: 1st Class Rank; Requirements 3, 4, 5 and 8.
Cooking: 1st Class Rank; Requirements 5c, 5d, 5e; 6c, 6d, 6e, 6f; and 7c, 7d, 7e must be completed after MBU so Scout will not finish that day (they will not cook at MBU); Requirements 5f and 6g can be explained to the counselor in class after the menu is created. Bring a calculator, grocery store weekly flyers, and the Cooking merit badge workbook from
Crime Prevention/Fingerprinting/Traffic Safety: Crime Prevention: Requirements 2, 4a, 4b (Home Security Checklist).
Dentistry: Requirement 3; 4c, 6c
Digital Technology: Bring USB drive. Requirement 1: Show your counselor your current, up-to-date Cyber Chip to receive credit.
Dog Care: Requirement 4; class will visit veterinary clinic; will need 2 adult drivers; DO NOT BRING YOUR OWN DOG.
Drafting: None.
Electricity: Requirements 2 (Home Electrical Inspection Checklist); 9a; need 2 adult leaders to help out.
Electronics: 13 years old or older; need 2 adult leaders to help out.
Emergency Preparedness: Requirements 1 (bring proof of having completed the First Aid Merit Badge); 2b & 2c (do a family plan, discuss & bring copy of plan to MBU); 6c (find out and bring names of your community's Emergency Management Director, Sheriff or Chief of Police, Fire Chief and EMD Director; 8b (bring your personal emergency pack for a mobilization call; prepare and bring a family kit (suitcase or waterproof box); you can bring a picture that shows what is in them); 9a (Home Safety Checklist).
Engineering: None.
Entrepreneurship: Will need to complete workbook and bring with them to class. Workbook to be completed will be posted as soon as it is available.
Fire Safety: Requirement 6. Conduct a home safety survey using the Home Safety Checklist with the help of an adult. Then do the following: 6a. Draw a home fire-escape plan, create a home fire-drill schedule, and conduct a home fire drill; bring paperwork to class for credit.
First Aid: Complete 1st Aid requirements through 1st Class Rank; 2b (bring 1st Aid kit to class)
Fish and Wildlife Management: Requirements 5a, 5b, 5c, or 5d (do one) 8; class will take a field trip; need 2-3 adult drivers.
Genealogy: Requirement 3 and 5.
Home Repairs: Wear Field (Class A) Uniform to opening ceremony; bring old clothes to change into for class. No shorts or open toed shoes will be allowed.
Law: Class will hold a mock trial; class must have five Scouts.
Metalwork: Wear Field (Class A) Uniform to opening ceremony; bring jeans and enclosed shoes to change into for class; no shorts or open toed shoes will be allowed; need 3 adult leaders.
Music: None. Will hold a concert in the rotunda for the class.
Nuclear Science: None.
Painting: Wear Field (Class A) Uniform to opening ceremony; bring old clothes to change into for class. No shorts or open toed shoes will be allowed.
Personal Fitness: Requirement 1a (must use current BSA form); and 1b; Requirement 8 must be finished after MBU so Scout will not finish that day; wear Class A Field Uniform to opening ceremony; bring gym clothes to change into for class.
Personal Management: 1st Class Rank; Requirements 1a, 1b 2; 2a first sentence; 8a, 8b (first part only-will do to do list after discussing how to prioritize); 10a & 10b (if time allows, will talk about & finish in class that day). Must follow up after MBU to finish 2a (second part) and 8c, 8d so Scout will not finish that day. Bring copy of Personal Management merit badge workbook to class.
Photography: Requirement 1b (Bring your current, up-to-date Cyber Chip to class); 4 and 5 (Bring a camera to class and we will work on these requirements in class); 7 (Be prepared to share your visual story with class. A poster board or electronic presentation is acceptable. Use only 8-12 images.).
Programming: Must be 15 years or older. Requirement 1a: (Bring your current, up-to-date Cyber Chip to class).
Robotics: None.
Search and Rescue: 1st Class Rank.
Stamp Collecting: Requirement 8; we will have some stamps if you need them; Class will visit Linn Post Office; will need 2-3 adult drivers to transport Scouts to and from Post Office.
Sustainability: First Class Rank; Requirement 1; Requirement 2 Water-Do A; Requirement 2 Food-Do A; Requirement 2 Energy - Do B; Requirement 2 Stuff-Do A; Requirement 4 - Do any TWO; Requirement 5a.
Wilderness Survival: Requirement 5 (put together a personal survival kit that must fit in a #2 coffee can and bring it to class to get credit); bring a 10'x10' (or larger) tarp, a sleeping bag and personal items needed to camp; and a copy of the Wilderness Survival merit badge workbook, a pencil, and paper; Scout must camp overnight with the class on Saturday night at the Linn Lions Club Fairgrounds in order to complete the merit badge; food for Scouts to cook on Saturday night will be provided; Scouts will need to be picked up by 9:00 a.m. on Sunday. Need 1 adult leader to help out and camp.