Mizzou Merit Badge University
Saturday, September 26, 2015
University of Missouri | Columbia, Mo.
Hosted by the MU Department of Chemistry and the Great Rivers Council, BSA at the University of Missouri-Columbia
Greetings! The Great Rivers Council is excited to partner with the MU Department of Chemistry to bring you a number of merit badges this year. Classes will be taught by faculty from the University of Missouri, along with a number of community volunteers.
Schedule of Events:
- 9:00 a.m.- Opening Ceremonies
- 10:00 a.m.- Classes begin
- 1:00 p.m.- Morning half day classes end
- 1:30 p.m.- Afternoon half day classes begin
- 4:30 p.m.- Classes end
$20.00 if registered by the early-bird deadline of September 4, 2015. This includes a bag lunch, event patch, merit badge cards, commemorative water bottle and materials needed for the course. After September 4, registrations will be considered late and be accessed an additional $10 late fee. Adults may purchase a lunch for $8 by sending an email to Missy.Gerardy@icloud.com and submitting payment, cash or check, to the Great Rivers Council, 1203 Fay Street, Columbia, MO 65201. NO registrations will be accepted after September 11, 2015, including the day of the event.
All registration for merit badge classes will occur online at www.bsa-grc.org. By clicking on the name of a particular course, Scouts will be able to see prerequisites for that course, if they are required. If there are none, that will be noted as well. Scouts must complete all prerequisites prior to arriving the day of the event if they wish to earn the merit badge that day.
What to Bring:
All Scouts are required to be in their Field Uniform during the entirety of the event and must conduct themselves by the Scout Oath and Law at all times. Please bring your completed prerequisite requirements (if applicable), the Merit Badge Workbook, pencil/paper and any additional supplies for your merit badge. Workbooks and worksheets will not be provided. Worksheets are available at www.meritbadge.org/wiki/index.php/merit_badge_worksheets.
Course Offerings:
All courses will be limited to classes of no more than 15 Scouts and filled on a first-come, first serve basis. Certain courses allowing classes of 20 have had prior instructor approval to do so. **Scouts taking half-day courses must take a morning AND an afternoon half-day class ** Note: * indicates a half-day class.
American Business*
Crime Prevention Trio
Architecture *
Digital Technology
Disabilities Awareness *
Radio *
Auto Maintenance |
Electricity |
Law |
Robotics |
Mining in Society
Search & Rescue
Chess* |
Emergency Preparedness |
Music* |
Signs, Signals & Codes |
Citizenship in the Community
First Aid
Nuclear Science
Citizenship in the Nation
Fish and Wildlife
Personal Management
Vet Medicine
Citizenship in the World
Game Design
Questions? Contact Bryon Haverstick at 573-449-2561 (Bryon.Haverstick@Scouting.org) or Melissa Gerardy at 573-268-3902 (Missy.Gerardy@icloud.com)
Prerequisites and Supplies Needed:
Scouts enrolled in the following merit badges must complete the prerequisites before the day of the event and bring proof of completion to the class (i.e. the actual work which was completed/pre-requisites completed in the actual workbook and brought with them). If the Scout does not complete these prerequisites, he will not complete the badge and will receive a partial which will require follow up with a different counselor after the event.
In addition to these prerequisite requirements, some badges may require additional supplies to be brought to the event and have an additional cost associated with them. If these supplies are not brought, we will try to accommodate to the needs of the scout in each situation, but we cannot guarantee access to extra supplies. All scouts are expected to bring writing materials, merit badge books, merit badge workbooks, and any other supplemental resources to aide them in completing the badge. Workbooks may be printed and used to complete the merit badge as an additional resource. Workbooks are available via www.meritbadge.org/wiki/index.php/merit_badge_worksheets.
American Business: Requirements 2A, 3A-B, and 5A-B must be completed prior to class. Optional: Bring a map of your area
Architecture: Bring the measurements of your bedroom for Requirement 4. The drawing can be made in class if time allows.
Astronomy: There are no pre-requisites for this merit badge
Auto Maintenance: Pre-reqs to be determined at a later date
Chemistry: Requirements 3 and 4A must be completed prior to class.
Chess: There are no pre-requisites for this merit badge
Citizenship in the Community: Requirements 3A, 7 and 8 must be completed prior to class.
Citizenship in the Nation: Requirements 2B-D (choose one) and 3, 6 and 8 must be completed prior to class. Requirement 2A will be completed by the group at the MBU.
Citizenship in the World: There are no prerequisites for this merit badge.
Communications: Requirements 2A or 2B, plus Requirements 5 and 8 must be done in advance. -- Half of Requirement 3, which requires them to write a five-minute speech then deliver it in a meeting of the group. They'll need to write the speech in advance, then they can deliver it during the class.-- Half of Requirement 4, which requires them to interview someone then prepare and deliver an introduction of the person as if they were going to be a guest speaker. These interviews also would need to be done in advance, then they can do the introductions during the class.
Crime Prevention: Requirements 2, 4 and 7 of the Crime Prevention merit badge must be completed prior to class.
Digital Technology: There are no prerequisites for this merit badge.
Disabilities Awareness: Requirements 2 and 7 must be completed prior to class.
Electricity: Requirements 2 and 8 must be completed prior to class. (The check list for Requirement 2 can be found in the MB book)
Emergency Preparedness: Requirements 1, 2B-C, 6C, 7, 8 and 9A must be completed prior to class. Bring proof of earning the First Aid merit badge, emergency service pack, and family kit for 8C.
Engineering: Requirements 1, 2, and 4 must be completed prior to class. Bring proof of meeting, deconstruction, research, and any other evidence of completed requirements.
First Aid: Scout must ensure they are adequately prepared to discuss Requirement 1.
Fish and Wildlife Management: Requirements 5 and 7 must be completed prior to class. Bring evidence, such as photos, for each requirement.
Game Design: Requirement 5 must be completed prior to class.
Geocaching: Requirement 7 must be completed prior to class. Scouts must bring a small plastic container (between the sizes of a prescription bottle and a plastic sandwich bag) to use for creating a CITO container.
Geology: Pre-requisites to be determined prior to the event.
Journalism: Requirement 2 must be completed prior to class.
Law: Requirement 4 must be completed prior to class.
Mining in Society: Pre-requisites to be determined prior to the event.
Music: Requirement 3 (Scout must do two requirements from #3-Only one must be completed prior to class. (For 3a- The Scout should write no fewer than 10 complete sentences describing a live performance, or no fewer than 5 complete sentences describing recordings from two of the music genres; For 3b- the Scout should be able to discuss the interview in detail, taking notes is a good idea; For 3c- A signed note from the Scoutmaster is required for verification); Requirement 4 (Select one)- (For 4a- the Scoutmaster needs to verify and sign off on the information; 4b- the written music must be a composed piece not merely random notes on a staff; 4c- make a traditional instrument, not merely a novelty or two instrument; 4d- “catalog” means a registry – electronic or printed of album titles, artist, genre, production company and release date. **Scouts must bring their instrument and music repertoire to class**
Nuclear Science: Requirement 4 (choose any two) must be completed prior to class. Bring evidence signed by parent/guardian.
Personal Management: Requirements 1, 2, 8, 10 must be completed prior to this class. It also requires a 13 week preparation prior to MBU. Completion of work can be signed off on by MB Counselor that day.
Photography: Requirements 1 (A or B) must be completed prior to this class. Bring all previous photographs to MBU and individual camera if possible.
Plumbing: There are no pre-requisites for this merit badge.
Programming: Scouts must complete and earn the BSA’s Cyber Chip and have read the entire Programming Merit Badge booklet prior to arriving to class.
Radio: Please complete requirements 3 (a, b & c), 5 (a, b, c & d), 8 and 9a (Broadcast Radio) parts 2 & 3.
Robotics: There are no pre-requisites for this merit badge.
Search and Rescue: Requirements 5 & 8 must be completed prior to this class. (This merit badge will be taught off campus at the Task Force 1 Headquarters. Transportation will need to be provided by the Troop)
Signs, Signals and Codes: To be determined
Sustainability: Please complete the following requirements: 1, 2 (Water A, Food A, Community B or C, Energy B, Stuff A), 4E, 4F, 5A, 6
Veterinary Medicine: Requirement 6 (A or B) must be completed prior to this class. Bring logs and notes from veterinary shadowing to the MBU.
Weather: Requirements 2, 6 & 11 must be completed prior to class.