When: April 1-3, 2016 -- Service day on April 2
Where: Long Branch State Park (first 60 registered)
Lake Ozark State Park
Ha Ha Tonka State Park (first 40 registered)
The unit will, when registering, select one of the three parks for their service location. Long Branch and Ha-Ha Tonka are number limited; therefore assignments will be based on unit registration date. Units not camping need to arrive at Lake Ozark or Long Branch Park by 8:00am for check-in.
STATE PARK PROVIDES: Camping location; service projects; sack lunch Saturday; tools for projects
SCOUTS/SCOUTERS PROVIDE: Proper work attire for outside/weather conditions, work gloves, boots, personal water bottle, transport to work sites, safety glasses recommended; Units register with Council, fee $2/person; each scout under 18 must have a signed parent permission form at park check-in.
PROJECTS: Trail work, work in group camps, build camp sites (Long Branch), fire pit and playground work. (All projects are essential for the parks).
SERVICE HOURS: 4-6 hours and a state park patch awarded
Questions-Contact: Carl J Porting 573-619-5911,
John Young 573-230-9491,
David Masten 660-651-2556,