As you know the Great Rivers Council Executive Board appointed a Camp Utilization Committee approximately two years ago to review the current and projected usage of our camp properties and make a recommendation back to the board as to the best utilization of these assets. Our committee members included Bob Robuck, David Keller, Charles Fleming, Wally Bley, Randy Coil, Rich Green, Gary Ford, Robert Doroghazi, and Max Cook.
We have now completed our extensive review. In light of current trends and in consideration of our mission of developing good citizenship, strong character and personal fitness in our youth members, we have recommended to the Council Executive Board that Camp Thunderbird be sold and the assets be invested in a way to provide the best possible Scouting and camping programs. The board will meet again in November to make a final decision on this matter.
3. Wouldn't we get a lot more money if we sold Hohn?
No. During the course of our analysis, we had an appraisal done on both camp properties. While the per acre land appraisal for Hohn was higher, the Thunderbird property is approximately 100 acres larger than Hohn. As a result, the land-only appraisal for Thunderbird was only slightly lower than for Hohn. With the addition of the buildings, Thunderbird's value was over twice that of Hohn.
5. How will the money be spent?
The Great Rivers Council, like all BSA councils, is required to develop and publish a long-range plan every five years. Our current plan has expired and the Long-Range Strategic Planning Committee has been on hold awaiting a recommendation and decision from the Utilization Committee and Executive Board. As stated in the resolution, the use of the proceeds from the sale will be addressed by the Long-Range Strategic Planning Committee. Generally speaking, it is the wish of the Utilization Committee that the proceeds be split between capital improvements at Hohn Scout Reservation and endowment funds to be used for ongoing upkeep of the camp and camping program.
11. Where will units camp once Thunderbird is sold?
Many units already camp in a variety of places other than at our camps (i.e. State Parks, Conservation Areas, family farms.). Since January 2006, we have only had 28 different Great Rivers Council units (out of approximately 300 units in the Council) use Camp Thunderbird for weekend outings. Depending upon who an eventual buyer might be, it is possible that we could negotiate some continued use of Thunderbird into the sale. We could also arrange for use of other area camps for our units.
15. Who do I contact if I have additional questions?
We would suggest the following individuals:
Steve Erdel, Utilization Committee Chair - (573) 874-8517
Rich Green, Council Camping Chair - (573) 659-9961, (573) 893-5200
Randy Coil, Council President
Doug Callahan, Scout Executive - 1-800-SCOUT LAW x206
David Harris, Director of Program - 1-800 SCOUT LAW x210, (573) 881-0589
16. How can I have my opinions heard at the Executive Board meeting in November?
While the Board Meeting is only open to Board members, each of our eight Districts has representation on the Board. Your District Chairman is a voting member. Additionally, we have board members at large who reside in all districts. Feel free to contact any of them. If you are not sure who they are, contact the Scout office for that information.