Where-To-Go Camping

Comment/Recommendation Form


In August 2002, the Lodge will publish an all-new, completely updated version of the long awaited Where To Go Camping book.  Please use this form and answer the questions about your favorite camping/hiking area.  Please be as specific as you can.  Please fill out as many as these forms as you can.


Name of Area__________________________________________



Is this a designated scout area? ___________________________


Scouting activities:   ___ hiking trails     ___ more than 5 miles of trail ___  orienteering   ___  fishing   ___  boating   ___ boat rental ___  discounted fees for scouts if give service   ___  collect firewood ___  must bring firewood   ___ water all year  

___  water (summer only)  ___  water close to site ___water must be carried over 100 yds  ___  service projects available   ___  historical events/sites  ___  flush toilets 

___  (year round flush toilets?)  ___  pit latrines   ___ shelters 

___  latrine privacy for female leaders  ___  high adventure possibilities?


Why should a scout group camp in this area?




Please add any additional comments you would tell others if why ask about this site:  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Return to:  Jason Cruse, 118 N. 9th, Hannibal, MO  63401


or email comments to:  jcruse@socket.net