Tech Expo 2000
Oct 20, 21, 22 - 2000
State Fair Grounds, Sedalia, MO
A Council Wide Campboree
90th Anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America
60th Anniversary of the Great Rivers Council

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Frick   and    Frack
These two spent 2.5 years planning
Tech Expo 2000
All your effort paid off.

Click on pictures for larger version.

Registration Friday evening, from staff side.

BIG FOOT - Some assembly required, batteries not included.
What a better way to start a Jamboree.
Jim made sure they did it right!

Saturday morning -- Let the fun begin.

The planning went on during breakfast, noon and supper.

High tech stuff and Scout store.

I can drive this thing - EASY!
I did Go-carts at the lake once.

Swat team to Racing.

Fun things to do, and learn teamwork.

Fun ways to learn about erosion and surface tension.

Noon hour at tent city.

A super big thanks to the staff cooks.
Outdoor cooking for 40 staffers-yuck.
OK, so he had to test the hot water with his entire hand - it was hot.

Event and Activity Highlights
of Tech Expo 2000
Dynamics of Air Pressure
Monkey Bridges
Solar Energy
Chariot Races
Automotive Advances
NASA Space Technology
Technical Challenges
Earth and Plant Science
Scout Skills Development
Computer Programming
Catapult Ordeal
"Big Foot" 4x4 Pick Up
Jamboree on the Air (Ham Radio)
Jamboree on the Internet
Stream and Land Conservation
Forensic Science
Electrical Power Transmission
Hot Air Balloons
Satellite/Shuttle Communications
Simple Machine Concepts
Pioneering Towers
Aerospace Exploration
Environmental Conservation
Climbing Wall
Nuclear Energy
Medical Care and First Aid
High Tech Survival Gear
Orienteering Course
Bio Genetics
Solar Racers
Formula One Racers
Indy Racer
Sprint Racer
Fire Safety Simulator
National Guard Helicopter
Mapping Technology
Radio Controlled Airplanes

a United Way agency

hosting provided by

©2001 Great Rivers Council, BSA


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