Family “Friends of Scouting” Enrollment


To provide a premiere Scouting program requires a significant investment.  “Friends of Scouting” helps secure the operating funds needed by our council to provide the many services offered to support your unit’s program, e.g., training, insurance, program helps, advancement materials, camping facilities and programs, council and district activities, etc.


The Family “Friends of Scouting” program is extremely important to the success of our overall fundraising efforts because it shows the rest of the community how committed our members are to the Scouting program and serves as an example for their support.


As you plan your program for the coming year, please include a Family “Friends of Scouting” presentation during the months of December, January, February, or March.  Pack presentations should be scheduled during Blue and Gold banquets and troop presentations during Courts of Honor.


Please return the form below, indicating the date you selected, to the November Roundtable or mail to the council office at:


Great Rivers Council

1203 Fay Street

Columbia, MO  65201-4719


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Unit Number_________________(circle one) pack, troop, team, crew, post


Unit “Friends of Scouting” Chairman’s name:__________________________________


                                                City, State, Zip:__________________________________

                                    Phone numbers: (work)______________(home)______________


Unit committee presentation date:___________________


Unit meeting presentation date:_________________ Should be between January 1 & March 31